Sunday, April 6, 2014

Mission Pres Seminar in Chile w/ Elder Ballard and Elder Rasband

Area Pres, Elders Ballard & Rasband w/ wives & E Ballard's 2 daughters
February 13-24 Elder M Russell Ballard came to the South America South Area.  He stopping first in Chile and then Argentina.  He came with his wife and two daughters and Elder Rasband and his wife.  We worked very closely with the secretaries planning their visit, especially the Mission Presidents seminar, Elder Ballard’s dedication of Argentina and we helped on just about everything else.
Mission Pres, Area Pres, E. Ballard & Rasband w/ wives & us in back right
We spent two days with Elder Ballard in Santiago Chile during the mission president’s seminar.  Tuesday Feb 18 we received the mission presidents at the Language Training center in Santiago Chile and enjoyed a temple session with all of them.  
here we are in the garden of the Santiago Chile Temple

That evening we had a lovely dinner and fantastic music and dance presentation by a local LDS group.

Wednesday Feb 19 was an intense day of training by Elders Ballard, Rasband, Gonzalez, Zeballos and Vinas.  The theme was "Hastening the Work"  D&C 88:73.

Elder Ballard said that sometimes he thinks Satan laughs when we say we must organize ourselves to move the work of salvation forward because it means we usually have a lot of meetings with no one responsible to do anything.  So he gave the mission presidents this challenge:

Private Dinner with an Apostle

That evening we attended a dinner with Elder Ballard, his wife, two daughters and the local area seventy followed by the same local folklore dance presentation for Elder Ballard.

Elders with the music an dance group

A young man was taking the picture, and I was getting everyone
spaced so everyone could be seen.  We had to change locations
because of the sun and it still did not turn out so good.

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