Sunday, April 6, 2014

Dedication of Argentina by Elder Ballard for the work of Salvation

I thought I would start out with what I sent to the 28 mission presidents:

Elder Ballard giving his introductory talk
I thought it would be appropriate to not only send you the MP seminar photo but fill you in on another of his activities while in Argentina.  They spent only two days and a night in Buenos Aires but it was one of the reasons that the First Presidency sent him here.  His grandfather Melvin J Ballard dedicated South America to the work of the Lord 89 years ago.  Elder Ballard stated that in reviewing the list of countries that had been dedicated all had had their own dedications except Argentina.   Although it may have been dedicated, there was no record of it. So, Elder M Russell Ballard was sent to dedicate Argentina to the work of salvation.  It was an early morning event in the same park and as close as we have record to where his grandfather dedicated South America.  

Joan is on the left and I am on the right helping everyone
to the area that had been set up for the dedication
Elder Ballard said that all the other South America (S.A.) countries have had their own dedicatory prayers but there is no record that Argentina had. 

The story of missionary work in S.A. started in 1925 with the Apostle Melvin J Ballard taking a boat to South America and in a park in Buenos Aries dedicating South America for missionary work.  (We live just one block and an 8 lane road away from that park and we often go for a stroll through it and the beautiful rose garden there.)  Well since then each individual country has been dedicated by an apostle except Argentina.  So the first Presidency decided it would be appropriate for the grandson and current Elder Ballard to dedicate Argentina.  

Here is Joan helping Sister Ballard
We were asked to invite 30 or so people to the dedication of Argentina which would take place back to the very park in the very spot where his grandfather dedicated South America for the work of the Lord.  Nothing was to be said until after the first presidency reviewed the proceedings and a copy of the prayer was published.  Well your mom and I were there.  We helped arrange and make sure everything went off well.  I did the audio recording on the digital recorder that I used for blessings and gathered all the photos that were taken and sent them to Elder Rasband's office.  We got a copy of the prayer sent to us and I will put it at the end.  

The notice came out in the Church news the article is at
and here is a little excerpt of how the article starts.

Church News
Elder M. Russell Ballard: 'Day of the sons, daughters of Lehi is
By Jason Swensen
Church News staff writer
Published: Saturday, March 15, 2014
Almost nine decades have passed since Elder Melvin J. Ballard, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles, gathered with a small group in a park in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and dedicated South America for the preaching of the gospel.

The year was 1925. Only a handful of members from Europe could be counted in all of South America. Yet after 8 months there, Elder Ballard,  an ordained prophet and seer — envisioned a prolific future for the Church across the entire continent: “The work (in South America) will go forth slowly for a time just as the oak grows slowly from an acorn. It will not shoot up in a day as does the sunflower that grows quickly and thus dies. Thousands will join here. It will be divided into more than one mission and will be one of the strongest in the Church. The work here is the smallestthat it will ever be. The day will come when the Lamanites here in South America will get the chance. The South American Mission will become a power in the Church.”

Definitely a once in a lifetime experience!

Argentina Dedicatory Prayer
February 21, 2014
Parque Tres de Febrero

Our Beloved Heavenly Father,
As thou canst see, we are gathered as a small group of leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints here in the Parque Tres de Febrero, as near as we know to the place where Apostle Melvin J. Ballard, Elders Rey L. Pratt and Rulon S. Wells of the Seventy, and others gathered 89 years ago, to dedicate, at the direction of the First Presidency, all of the lands of South America.
By Assignment of the First Presidency, our purpose this morning, dear Father, is to offer and record a dedicatory prayer specifically upon the land of Argentina. And so we ask thee, dear Father, to pour out thy Spirit and power upon the leadership and the members of the Church here in Argentina. We invoke a blessing as part of this dedicatory prayer upon the area presidency and the area seventies, upon the stake and district presidents, the bishops and branch presidents, the Melchizedek Priesthood leaders, and upon all of the sisters who carry such a great responsibility in building up the kingdom of God. We invoke a blessing upon the youth of Argentina, the young adults, the young married couples, the boys, the girls, that thy Holy Spirit will fall upon them, and that they will have spiritual experiences and insight come to them beyond anything they have experienced thus far in their lives, that they will have those feelings and inspiration come from thee as to what they can do in their individual lives to enhance and move this work forward ever more effectively and powerfully in the future than it has in the past.
Now we know, Heavenly Father, there were a handful of thy children at the dedication of South America 89 years ago. Today, in Argentina, there have been baptized over 425,000 of thy children who are living today, and we pray thy blessings to be upon them wherever they may be living and whatever their circumstances may be, that we may find them, we may bless them, we may bring them unto thee and to thy Beloved Son, that they may receive the full blessings thou hast in store for thy faithful children.
We have, Heavenly Father, in this area almost 7,000 young full time missionaries; it is a miracle. We thank thee for this miracle and we pray thy blessings upon every full-time missionary serving in Argentina, that they will draw close to thee and to the leaders, to the bishops and the stake presidents, the Priesthood Quorums, and the Relief Society and Young Women and Primary, and they will work together to find those that have lost their way, who once had testimonies. Bless their efforts to reignite in their hearts the testimony of thy Beloved Son, the Savior and Redeemer of the world.
We pray thee, Father, to bless every branch and every ward, and every stake and district, and every mission in Argentina, that they will see a clear vision of how working together with all that has been given unto them since that day 89 years ago and that they will hasten the work of salvation that we have been asked to do by President Thomas S. Monson.
We pray humbly this morning for thy approbation, thy blessing, thy mercy, Heavenly Father, to be able to accelerate thy cause in preparing Argentina along with all the other lands of the world for that day when thy Beloved Son will come again. By the authority of the holy apostleship vested in me, and in the name of thy Beloved Son, I dedicate this land to thy work. We ask thee, dear Father, to reach down and touch and bless the lives of the leaders, the political leaders, the civic leaders, the business leaders, all of those who have a voice or a responsibility of any kind in affecting and strengthening this country, that the current challenges and problems that they are facing that there will be men and women of integrity raised up by thee with a vision to know what to do, and how to do it, to stabilize the economy and to stabilize the affairs of Argentina so thy work can prosper and go forward.
We are so deeply grateful, as part of this dedicatory prayer, to acknowledge the life and ministry of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and for the Priesthood that was restored to the earth to him through John the Baptist and Peter, James, and John. We are grateful for Moroni and the Book of Mormon, and to all others whom thou hast sent to restore to the earth the fullness of thy everlasting gospel.
And now we ask thee that all those blessings pronounced upon all of South America by Melvin J. Ballard 89 years ago may be accelerated as part of this dedicatory prayer of Argentina. May there now be a new day, a new enthusiasm, a new commitment in the hearts of all of thy children, both member and those who are not.
We are grateful Father as a family to be here this morning. We have had sons and grandsons who have served thee in Argentina. Heavenly Father, we thank thee for the privilege to dedicate this land unto thy work, and leave this blessing upon these leaders that sit here and all other leaders within the boundaries of Argentina, to move forward thy work of salvation with a renewed spirit and enthusiasm to build up thy Church. This prayer of dedication and blessing we ask for humbly, in the sacred and in the beloved name of thy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

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