Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Museum; End of Jun; Locking Joan in the apartment

Thur Jun 20 was Argentina’s flag day and a holiday so the office was closed.  We went with the other Senior Missionaries to Las Platas and visited a cathedral and a museum.  The cathedral was relatively new and the museum was of natural history with all kinds of dinosaur bones.  The pampas of Argentina happen to have lots of dinosaur bones.  It was quite the museum and trip


Sun 23 Sunday was a treat because Joan was asked to bear her testimony in Relief Society and I was asked to help teach the young women (2 young women and 1 investigator and 3 leaders and 1 stake leader) about the blessings of the priesthood.  I think the lesson in relief society was on missionary work and Joan was nervous but she told me what she wanted to say and I helped her write it.  They all told me that it went well and after her start by saying she wanted to learn how to talk to them they understood it all.  The relief society president came up afterwards and said she would come on Saturdays and help her with Spanish.  My assignment was a real treat.

Tue 25 Tuesdays are our 4-5 hour meetings.  I left early to get ready for the meeting and as I left I locked the door behind me (remember this is a very secure place; it is locked from the outside when shut, the key can lock a deadbolt type affair from inside or out and it has a separate deadbolt you can lock from the inside.  I thought that Joan had her keys but we had gone directly to dinner from work with the rest of the senior couples as part of our FHE, Joan had left her stuff at the office thinking we would come back.  It got late so we did not go back.  It turned out that I locked Joan in the apartment with no way to make a local phone call.  She panicked for a while - shut up in a 7th story apartment and no way to escape. I was unaware in my 4 hr meeting.  So  she worked around the house and finally called her sister in Salt Lake on our internet phone to hear a friendly voice and her sister called the church office building and asked if they would contact me in Argentina.  The Secretaries got a phone call from the Church offices to tell Elder Boyle that his wife is locked in her apartment.  Now if Joan is not with me when I show up, everyone asks if I have locked up my wife again.

This week the Presidency was trying to get a lot of items warped up because they have off the month of July to spend with family except Elder Zeballos who will pick up the more pressing items.

Fri 28 went to dinner and got the biggest probably best steak we have every gotten (bife de lomo)

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