Sunday, March 9, 2014

P-day visit to La Estancia or dude ranch

This blog is just for fun.  It was Saturday Dec 11 which is summer down here.  Saturdays are our Preparation day or P-Day.
One P-day about 20 of the senior missionaries went to the “campo” or country

to an “Estancia” or a Gaucho Dude Ranch.  

 our friends the Switzers

Looks like all my lawn equipment

They had horseback riding, 

Here's my cowgirl
me with my Australian Dude hat

wagon ride, zip line, old fashion games, 

a hotel with some rooms made from the horse stalls,

Former horse stalls now hotel rooms

decorations of old Argentine stirrups on the wall 

new uses for old sowing machines
and ending with traditional music and dances during the “asado” or BBQ dinner.

a little gaucho music and dance
Senior Missionaries are good people to be around and they still know how to enjoy themselves.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Area Review- A Blessing to be with living Apostles

I have not had any spare time lately and my blog reflects it.  Working as an executive secretary to an area presidency is definitely a full time job (like 10 and sometimes more hours a day).  I have used all my spare time to try to finish editing my patriarchal blessings book manuscript.

Elder Christofferson, Us, & Elder Holland- so it's not all work
There has been so many wonderful things happened since my last blog about 4 months ago I do not know where to start.  Let me begin with one of the more exciting ones.  We had the “Area Review” for the South America South Area Nov 14 2013.  This happens once a year when usually an apostle comes down to tour the areas that have not had a general authority for a long time and have priesthood leadership and stake conferences with area devotionals and two or three days to discuss the area one on one with the Area Presidency.

We were blessed to have Elder Holland, Elder Christofferson and Elder Soares come down.  Elder Christofferson and Elder Soares are the general authorities assigned to our area.  Elder Christofferson speaks Spanish and always conducts his meetings in Spanish.  Elder Soares is from Brazil but also speaks Spanish well.

Elder Gonzalez asked Elder Holland to address married couples as one of the devotionals.  It was broadcast to the four countries that make up our area.  I am not sure I have ever heard a better discourse on marriage.  Elder Holland and his wife took up most of the time (Sister Holland understands Spanish and corrected the translator a couple of times).  It was a spiritual crescendo of their visit.

The Sisters' luncheon

During the Area Review, there was a luncheon for the wives with all the sisters and area seventy’s wives.  There was a traditional asado lunch with the three general authority visitors and the area presidency, which I was able to attend.  

Cynthia singing with the Senior Sisters

There was entertainment planned for the sisters.  First, Joan had been working with her an autistic sister that comes with her parents.  She had been practicing singing “I am a Child of God” in English.  So, they organized a choir with the sisters to sing some of the verses with her.  (Joan said she wanted to work with her so she would have a friend in the celestial kingdom)

Elder Christofferson and his wife talking with Joan
Elder Gonzalez is in the background with Elder Soares' back to us

Next, they had a couple do some beautiful traditional folk dance, a type of zamba and the panuelo or handkerchief dance.  During that folk dance, the brethren came into the sisters’ luncheon and watched and I was able to take some pictures.  

Sister Holland in the middle

Everything was very nicely done and they kept the General Authorities busy without a moment to breath.

The secretaries that work so hard to ensure everything goes well

Later as the Area Review was winding down, the secretaries that had been helping all came to the presidency’s office area hoping to get a picture.  Elder Holland is very gracious and when he saw them he said let’s have a picture. 

I took the picture and then the secretaries started all saying the Boyles, the Boyles so we got a picture with them as well (the one above)

Hugging and crying

Afterwards the secretaries all started hugging, crying and squealing. 

Definitely a once in a lifetime experience!