Sunday, December 8, 2013

A couple months worth of Fiestas and P-day trips around town

We have way more things to post than I have time to write about.  I thought I would fill this post with the pictures of some of the things we have done on our preparation days (Saturday is our P-day here since we all work in an South America South Area office).

Looking out for the balcony
of Casa Rosada
Casa Rosada - the upper center
balcony is where I took the next pic
Back in September we went on a tour of the Argentine president’s Casa Rosada (Rose House) equivalent to the White House.  They start you out in a hall of famous socialists of the Americas.  We did stand on the balcony that Eva and Juan Peron stood after their political victory. 

Our guide explaining some of the rooms

A mural of Gaucho life

News conference room

This is a room where they make official news declarations.  There is a picture of Eva on the wall.  There were a lot of elaborately decorated rooms, murals, and photos of famous people and events of Argentina. but this will give you a taste of their casa rosada.

The bricked areas are now below ground
level.  And you can see rooms on
the left ans what were rooms on the right
 Afterwards we went to their bicentennial museum 1810- 2010.  It was very well done.  It was originally built in the late 1700 on a point out into the ocean as a fort then used as an embarkation in 1835 for immigrants and customs.   The surrounding land was built up and later the top levels were torn down.  The area became a major port of Buenos Aires.  In the 1970’s during a military coup, the rooms were used to imprison the people that supported Peronismo and socialism and many were tortured and killed.

Argentina has had bad luck with government leadership.  Peron stole all of the countries gold reserve when he was forced out.  The military ruled with an iron fist. And what was supposed to be one of the top 5 economies in the world is still a third world country and still sucked dry with government graft.

Here we are part of history
Painting of the Perons and the original dress
As part of their bicentennial, they excavated it and used the original walls (that are now below ground level) to design a very impressive museum.  It is a series of part of the original rooms and in each depicts a different epic or ruler of Argentina in a multimedia display.  The center is open with clear glass flooring in sections so you can see some of the old building below.  They have the famous painting of the Perons and the dress that Eva wore at their inauguration ball and for the painting. 

Here we are by the statue of
San Martin (the George
Washington of Argentina)
in the plaza in front of the
Casa Rosada

One of the few cars designed in Europe but built here

For the last “P” day in September we went with 6 other senior couples to what is called Fiesta de las Colectividades. It was a party celebrating immigrants with 60 booths from many countries that had traditional dance acts and delicious food; we tried food from 5 different countries and watched several dance routines from both Argentina and other countries.
many kinds of meet
cooked many kinds of ways

Mom finally gets her German braut with sourkraut 

Some happy cooks

Some Argentine gaucho dancers

This little girl was one serious
Entertainer-see here in the next
two pictures

Here she is with her brother in the final part of their dance

Here is the four kids together

here she is posing with another group

Two cooks from Cuba with the dancers representing Arabia

Joan was impressed with the colors in this
Lady's cloths and booth

Chinese dragon dancers

The last event was called the "Mataderos" or the Butchers.  It was in the part of the town where all the animals were brought to be slaughtered and has since been converted into a regular fiesta where people come to dance the traditional dances and eat asado (Argentine BBQ).  We went there on Oct 14 and really liked a couple of the traditional dances.  I was impressed with one called the panuelo or handkerchief.

The Butchers fair

Joan and Sister Knapp with a Gaucho

Boleadores and other tourist keepsakes 

Bro and Sister Carelson, the US embassy doctor

You would think that all we do is go to fairs and museums but pictures of Joan and I sitting at our desks for 10 hours a day working on computers is not very photogenic.  

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Organizing the Mission Pres Seminar in Bariloche

I have material for several blogs but not all of them are finished so some will be out of chronological order.

Here we all are, Area Presidency, Mission Presidencies, and Us far left mid
This one is for Oct 20-26 when Joan and I organized and helped run the annual Mission President's Seminar (there is also an interim one that is shorter).  This one involved getting the 27 mission presidents and their wives to a nice hotel

with three days of intensive training

Most sessions were all together but here was a break out
session of the men and the next photo is women. Both lovely rooms

but also, translation for the wives that do not speak Spanish well.

Special musical numbers:

Great meals
Some of the Couples in the lovely dining room with a view

One night included an authentic Argentine Asado to include
the cooked and smoked "carne" above

Tour included a ski lift for a view of the city - Mission Pres
never sleep and never eat because they are always on the
and a well deserved break via a city bus tour:

Of course all the logistics: travel, meals, hotel rooms, breaks, snacks, for over 70 people.  Also microphones for two way discussions, presentations, video and video recording for the mission president that could not be there.
typical Mission President: he is on the phone with a worried
look on his face and his wife is waiting patiently to
continue the evenings activities

I have included a summary of my notes I took as the ex secretary of the training below.

Pres Gonzalez and wife in a spirited role play.  Wonderful training

We were there and survived, Soooooooo....

....Hello to all - from our busy, stressful call. But we get to do it together
with some interesting opportunities we would
never have imagined as you can see!

Here I am scaling a cliff to take the group shot in the previous blog

Excerpts Mission Pres Seminar

Oct 2013 Bariloche

Seminar Themes
1. Work of Salvation is indivisible
Elder Nelson's intro talk: "Too often we split the Lord's work into parts we think are unrelated. Whether it is preaching the gospel to nonmembers, serving with new converts, reactivating less-active members, teaching and strengthening active members, or performing family history and temple activity, the work is indivisible.  These are not separate.  They are all part of the work of salvation."
2. Love is the lubricant of Missionary Work
"So it is with missionary work.  The most effective missionaries always act out of love.  Love is he lubricant and life of good missionary work"
Missionary word in the Lord's kingdom is a rescue effort.  Our beloved Pres Thomas S Monson has taught us repeatedly about our reach to rescue.  He said, "We can reach out to those for whom we are responsible and bring them to the table of the Lord, there to feast on His word and to enjoy the companionship of His Spirit."...
3. Missionary work is the Lord's work;
Real growth requires doing it the Lord's way for the right reason - love
"When we follow Jesus Christ, we act as He would act and love as He would love. His work is accomplished, one soul at a time!  Our efforts are exerted out of love for our neighbor and for our Heavenly Father, whose children we are. ..”
If we do not do it the Lord´s way we will be doing it for the praises of men which reward is the reward of men and not the enrichment and glory of God.
4. This is the day of the Lord! Time to act!

Recognize we are one team
1. No bebe ser competencia solo la obra del Señor.
2. We must synchronize the keys
Stake Pres & Mission Pres must synchronize their keys and turn their key together to open the door to success.
Likewise, Bishop/Wrd Mis L & Missionaries must work together
Working together accomplishes more than the sum of its parts; when we work as one it is not addition it is multiplication with the Lord's blessing and Spirit.  2 Nephi 32, D&C 111
3. Communicate, trust, love each other, if ye are not one ye are not mine
Invite stake presidents and bishops to dinner or Zone meetings on occasion and include giving them time to speak to the missionaries.
Ask the stake pres to speak with some of their bishops, then listened to their gripes.  Told them he would consult with them about their investigators and resolve their inqueitudes before baptism.
4. The work of salvation is indivisible
What is important is to do what the Prophets ask with faith and motivation and then the Lord can do His work.
If it is not working it is because we do not have the help of the Lord (it could be the lack of faith or unity in the members or leaders or wickedness of the world)
All things must be done with prayer, much prayer. Work and action provides performance.  2 Nep32:9

Faith and Conversion
Faith is a gift. Moroni 10:11, 1 Cor 12:9; D&C 46:13-14, 19-20
1. Faith, the Missionary and their work: be converted, know the word, have the spirit, teach then testify, invite when the spirit is present; motivate them to faith in God.  Act with faith = yes we can
The sons of king Mosiah were also discouraged at times 26:20, with prayer the Lord lifted them
2. Faith and conversion; helping the investigator have faith.
Elder Marion G Romney: True testimony vitalizes faith
Declare the word of God and invite them to remember, awake, change, and endure Alma 5:6-8
Crecimiento real (real growth) is the consequence of individual (personal) conversion;
Failure of real growth is a failure of individual conversion
"Active" investigators do what active members do (Pray, read, attend, covenant)

How we do it
1. Build on the good and don’t spend time to cry over the bad
Do not let the lack of the language stop you. The spirit will use what you have.
2. Reduce and simplify, Use the BofM not create new programs
When the pioneers started their trek to SL they found they had to get rid of everything but the essential.  They left behind much and continued to cull out to have only the necessary and so find themselves humble and totally dependent on the Lord.
3. Right thing for the right reason: Love of Lord, Love of neighbor
Missionaries are very obedient.  They will do what you say.  If you say go that way or do it that way they are off before you can finish your explanation.  So pick the right key indicators and goals!
4. We only have to believe and do all we can and pray (sentir mal si no hiceimos todo lo que podemos)
We don't have to compare ourselves with anyone or any mission
Leave the ward better than when we came; change the environment
5. Book of Mormon
Learn from the BofM, and maintain Focus on Christ and His atonement and look for the miracles
6. Help the missionaries and investigators solve their own problems: you fix it
Teach them to be responsible to solve their own problems.  The Lord has given these problems to you for your growth so ask Him what He wants you to do to solve them. Example of the Lord and the brother of Jared
Use the BofM to answer questions or teach them how to find their answers in the BofM
Read the BofM with them; teach them to make-up a lesson from the BofM to support their lessons.
7. Correct to the positive
Correct how Christ corrected by instructing with focus on the positive with love and understanding.
8. Good missionaries, must be good teachers, which requires the spirit, the word, and experience
We need missionaries that are good teachers.  Good teachers must have the spirit, knowledge of God's word and experience.  Experience comes from practice.  Have the missionaries take every chance to teach.  Teaching is better than walking the streets.  Have the ward mission leader and Bishop choose families that could benefit from the missionary lessons and ask them if they will help the missionaries become good teachers by listening to them.
9. Show them how- Use Role Plays
Use boldness to help them remember, Alma 38:12: This kind of boldness comes from practice
Take advantage of the faith and boldness of the Sisters
Teach them to have a great beginning; 1-2 points that bring into remembrance the truth of the gospel; with an uplifting ending that invites with a challenge to change or commit.
You must have the Spirit because there is no one solution. The Spirit comes from being obedient.
Help them remember lessons from the pre-existence; such as, Families and the plan of Salvation
We must be proactive. We must teach the missionaries to be proactive with love and respect. 10.  Invite the missionaries and members to act: have missionaries go with investigators to church
Invite the members to accept Elder Ballard´s challenge to invite a family or someone to participate in one of their family activities, possibly in their home so they can feel the spirit of a LDS family living the gospel.
11. Think outside the box
Look for ways to work in ward council, involve new converts as family history, and reactivate by thinking of new ways to involve them, tailored to the individual
We can have it all, more and better baptism, conversion, retention, temple covenant saints

Lessons learned (not including those already mentioned)
Retention is helped when they are fellowshipped until they get involved in a temple activity.
Consejo de áreas deben ser con amor especialmente por los obispos
Invite the missionaries to use pray and faith to soften the hearts of their investigators

Elder Gonzalez's vision
I see a young man in the woods on his knees praying sincerely to know the truth, make the right choice and do the right thing...
I see 90k young men and women on their knees, praying sincerely to know the truth, make the right choices and do the right thing...

I see them acting like Christ, teaching like Christ and changing the world.